Study Tools

Many students use self-directed study methods to learn their materials for class. This includes personalized flashcards, either hand-made or digital. Using Study Tools helps students stay engaged with their Pearson course materials, and gives them an on-the-go way to prepare for class.

Study Tools
Study Tools

What are Study Tools?

Study Tools, for Pearson’s eText and Revel products, contain a suite of activities to aid in learning–flashcards, a matching game, multiple choice, & fill in the blank–which are pre-loaded with the terms and definitions for each chapter in their digital courseware. This greatly reduced the time students and authors spend in content preparation, allowing the student to focus on studying the most relevant material.

Success of Study Tools

In the Fall of 2017, we released Study Tools 2.0 as a pilot in Revel mobile and eText mobile. By the end of that first semester, analytics showed that Study Tools rose to the #5 most used feature, and users who interacted with Study Tools had increased their overall engagement by 139%.

Click to walk through a Study Tools Invision prototype.

For a deeper dive of this feature, go to the case study.

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